This captivating series of illustrated novellas serves as an engaging and educational resource for preteens and young teens navigating the complexities of online life. Each thrilling story follows the adventures of Bindi and Beam as they boldly tackle real-world challenges such as cyberbullying, online privacy, digital health and well-being, and other critical digital citizenship topics.
Every novella is accompanied by an education guide featuring chapter-specific questions and zero-tech activities that deepen understanding of age-relevant IT issues. These guides provide opportunities for readers to reflect on key themes, making the series a valuable tool for parents, educators, and young learners alike.
The vibrant illustrations bring the digital escapades to life, capturing the imagination of visual learners while simplifying intricate topics like internet safety. Beyond their exciting narratives, these stories offer essential lessons in how to navigate the digital world responsibly and thoughtfully.
The Bindi and Beam series transforms learning about the online world into an exhilarating journey, empowering young readers with the confidence and awareness they need to explore the internet safely and wisely. It's not just a series of adventures—it’s a gateway to becoming informed and conscientious digital citizens.
eBooks and eGuides are available for purchase directly from my website.
For paperbacks, please order through your favorite brick-and-mortar bookstore or online retailer.
The Bindi and Beam Series
Book 1 - The Web Trap
In The Web Trap - A tech obsession fairytale, Bindi's best friend, Maddy, becomes unexpectedly unresponsive while using the new DreamWalker VR she received for her thirteenth birthday. As she falls into a catatonic state, her condition leaves medical professionals baffled. Bindi's tech-savvy twin brother, Beam, dives into the VR system's data and develops a theory that Maddy has inadvertently transported herself into a personalised, albeit isolating, metaverse.
Faced with the stark reality of their friend's situation, Bindi and her companions are confronted with a daunting decision: enter the VR world to retrieve Maddy, risking their own mental health and potential entrapment. This perilous journey is not only about braving a virtual landscape but also about confronting the real-world implications of technology's grip on young minds.
The Web Trap serves as a compelling narrative to teach in-betweens about the profound impact of tech obsessiveness on themselves and those around them. It illustrates how an excessive attachment to digital worlds can isolate individuals from their loved ones, disrupt normal life, and pose significant emotional and physical risks. Through the adventures of Bindi and Beam, readers learn the importance of balancing virtual interactions with real-world relationships and the value of being present for friends and family.
Book 2 - The Mauled Mage
Join Beam, Bindi, and their friends Maddy, Jack, and the latest addition to their circle, Lee, as they embark on an exhilarating journey into the World of Warcraft’s metaverse. However, their adventure soon takes a dark twist when they encounter a devious shape-shifting cyberbully. Surrounded by the treacherous landscapes of dark mages, menacing trolls, and destructive spells, the friends find themselves in a struggle not just for victory in the game, but for their own emotional and psychological well-being.
Amidst this chaos, they confront Ghoric, a formidable three-headed statue, whose daunting challenges propel their adventure into unexpected depths filled with revelations and strategies to counteract cyberbullying. This tale transcends the boundaries of a typical adventure story by delving deep into the motives behind cyberbullying, illustrating how bullies often project their own insecurities and fears onto others.
As our heroes navigate through this virtual ordeal, they unravel insights into the dynamics of bullying and develop strategies to combat it, promoting a message of resilience and solidarity. They learn the importance of empathy—understanding that bullies themselves are often victims of previous abuse or neglect—and teamwork, discovering that united, they can overcome even the most potent online threats. By standing up to the cyberbully, not through retaliation but by dismantling the bully’s influence and offering avenues for change, they aim to create a resolution where everyone, including the bully, can learn, grow, and win. This story not only entertains but also educates its young readers on the complex issue of cyberbullying, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to confidently face online harassment.
Book 3 - The Magic Garden
The Bindi and Beam gang are catapulted into a riveting adventure within a newly launched metaverse game following a special invitation to Bindi to review it. As they dive deeper, they uncover a dark plot by Hexa, a swamp witch whose enchantments saturate the game with an irresistible allure. Hexa has designed the game to trap players within its confines, making her the puppet master of a digital realm filled with peril.
Navigating through the game's intricate levels, each fraught with formidable creatures and devious traps set by Hexa, Bindi and her friends are tested to their limits. With each obstacle they conquer, their determination to dismantle the witch’s hold on the virtual world grows stronger. This thrilling quest is not only a battle against the physical dangers of the game but also a fight to overcome the seductive power of Hexa’s digital web.
In the final confrontation with Hexa, the question looms large—Can Bindi and her companions liberate themselves and others from the powerful allure that Hexa has spun, acting as a brilliant puppet master?
Titles in progress
The Bindi and Beam MG adventure series covers key technology issues for 8+ readers. Each novella comes with an educator’s guide and lesson plans. Theme details, and estimated publication date (EPD) indicated.
Note: The titles may change, but the theme will remain the same.
The Truth Merchants - media literacy - A thrilling journey where our young heroes battle a digital dystopia, teaching vital lessons in digital literacy and the power of unity in the face of online chaos. Theme: media literacy EPD - March 2026
The Not-Me Selfies - digital identity - A thrilling tale of identity, technology, and friendship, where teens confront their AI doppelgangers in a digital battle for identity, blurring the lines between virtual reality and the essence of self. Theme: body image and sense of self EPD - May 2026
The Meta Menace - Join Bindi and Beam on an electrifying journey through a cyberpunk wonderland, where they'll challenge the oppressors, restore the rules of digital commerce, and unleash the true potential of technology – an unputdownable adventure that redefines the boundaries of the digital realm! Theme: digital commerce EPD - July 2026
The Controller - Join 'The Controller' saga – a captivating journey where your attention is the prized treasure, and controlling it means mastering your digital destiny. Theme - attention is a resource EPD - September 2026
The Cybernetic Ciphers - In this heart-pounding adventure, a group of friends navigate the perils of a digitally connected world while unraveling the secrets of safeguarding their privacy, making it a must-read for young readers seeking to protect their online identity. Theme: Online Privacy EPD - December 2026
The Counterfeiters - In an exhilarating digital adventure, Bindi and her friends dive deep into the metaverse's counterfeit art world, confronting betrayal and deception while unraveling the intricacies of copyright and the importance of safeguarding the rights of content creators. Their ultimate showdown with the enigmatic mastermind highlights the transformative power of knowledge and unity, emphasizing the significance of upholding ethical standards in the realm of digital creativity Theme: copyright/content ownership EPD - early 2027
The Players - Theme: online influence - first draft
The Scammers - Theme: fraud/crime - first draft
The Investigator - Theme: digital footprints - first draft
The Net Makers - Theme: about the Internet itself - story outlined
Tomorrowland - Theme: a possible future - concept stage
The Team Savv-i Series
A trilogy for young teenagers follows the Bindi and Beam series using the same protagonists facing age-relevant ITC issues
Cyber Secrets - Dive into the digital adventure of a lifetime with Cyber Secrets as twins Bindi and Beam, along with their friends, battle against the sinister forces of artifical inteligience sentient, Big-O, in a high-stakes quest to make the internet safer and fairer. With cyberbullying, identity theft, and a superintelligent showdown, it's a thrilling ride through cyberspace you won't want to miss!
Theme: the nine elements of digital citizenship Estimated Publishing Date - January 2025Cyber Whispers - Hear their Cyber Whispers — a fake news ghost story that takes young readers on a thrilling journey through cyberspace, teaching essential lessons about media discernment and the relativity of truth in today's digital world!
Theme: media literacy and fake news -
Estimated Publishing Date - May 2025Cyber Enhanced - Enter the heart-pounding world of Cyber Enhanced, where Team Savv-i races against time to stop a sinister plot that could reshape humanity. A thrilling quest that explores the edge of technology and personal relationships, this story is a spine-tingling journey into the potential dark side of self-enhancing tech.
Theme: about how tech shapes the user.
Estimated Publishing Date - July 2025