Ways to burst your info bubble

Year 7 to 12 students, parents, and teachers

Information bombards us all day and every day. What stories you receive via the Internet depend on your online search history. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Google and others—they all have sophisticated algorithms that will channel specific stories to capture your attention. This results in you getting your own personalised version of the world based on your preferences and NOT a balanced view of what is happening. You are in your very own info bubble!

Ways to burst your info bubble

  • Become digital literate - discover the methods to sort fact from fiction.

  • Use incognito browsers, regularly delete your search histories, and try to use the Internet as much as possible without being logged into social media accounts.

  • Delete or block browsing cookies.

  • Learn how to identify fake news sites and bots before you share, like, or comment.

  • Read reputable news sites and not just read posts delivered to you by social media.

  • Actively follow thought leaders on social media who share more balanced viewpoints.

  • Visit different sources covering the same topic.

  • Learn to discuss without reacting to opposing views.

Source: Goodwill Community Foundation: How filter bubbles isolate you.

Question: How would you know you are in an info bubble?

Casper Pieters PhD Dip Ed is an author and educator who uses adventure narratives to enliven the ICT curriculum for young people. www.casperpieters.com

Casper Pieters

Scientist | Author | Editor | Educator Casper is interested to help prepare young people get future ready by creating riveting adventure stories about digital world.


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