Parenting tech savvy kids

Year 3 to 10 parents


Digital Wellbeing

  • It is always good to ask your children how they feel when they use technology, when they are playing video or VR games, when they use social media or studying online. Help them develop digital mindfulness about any discomfort, whether it is physical (headaches, eyestrain, backaches) or emotional (anxiety, aggression/anger, feeling left out or despondent).

  • Always listen to positive things about their online experiences they may share with you.

Digital Responsibility

  • Showing genuine interest in your child’s world is crucial from an early age. Make it an opportunity to be social. You will have moments where you can show them how to use technology responsibly and to hear their views on what they like to do online.

  • Get familiar with the online resources your kid is using. Find out about their ratings and their risks. This eSafety Guide is regularly updated and is a treasure trove for parents.

  • Children are always looking at your example and as a role model you should try to practice what you preach. There are excellent books available for parents such as, Raising humans in a digital world by Diana Kraber.

Digital Entertainment

  • Strike a good balance between screens and outdoor activities by setting fair rules.

  • Get involved with their games and platforms and encourage quality resources. Doing this will help your children thrive through social interaction and playful learning.

  • Co-viewing encourages critical thinking and empathy. Create a teaching moment with discussion when children do something wrong or are exposed to inappropriate content.

Question: How good a role model are you for your child and how can you further improve this?

Casper Pieters PhD Dip Ed is an author and educator who uses adventure narratives to enliven the ICT curriculum for young people.

Casper Pieters

Scientist | Author | Editor | Educator Casper is interested to help prepare young people get future ready by creating riveting adventure stories about digital world.

Teens and misinformation


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